Drona Motion Control iDrive

Item List Number: #dfcf065d-0f51-4e43-8bdc-dd520713a68d


Drona Motion Control iDrive The Motion Control drone has speledic functions that allow you to fly with the movements of your hand and perform breathtaking aerial acrobatics! Catch the mini-tlethal control and move your arm - the drone reacts and changes direction depending on your movements! Features and functions: 2.4 GHZ remote control, air roll, fixed point flight, LED indicator, speed control, USB charger, built-in battery. Batteries: - Remote control: 3 x AAA (not included) - Drone: battery (incorporated) Contents: - 1 drone - 1 radio control - 1 instruction manual Recomince age: 14 years+. ITEM NUMBER : NO7632184950


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1 1 piece $50 per piece
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1 Fan Curier - Romania $3 3 1 - 1 piece
2 Fedex & DHL - Worldwide $10 5 1 - 1 piece
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